The Journal is an international peer-reviewed publication focused to disseminate theoretical or experimental novel information contributing to the understanding and development of Science and Technology. The Journal recognizes the broad range of research areas including, but not limited to all aspects of applied sciences and engineering
Contributions are welcomed in relation to the study of particular components of Engineering and Applied Science resulting interactions and their relationship/impact on society and environment at a local, regional or international level. 
The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: 
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Power Engineering 
Telecommunication Engineering 
Computer Engineering 
Control and Computer Systems 
Electronics Information technology 
Informatics Data and Software engineering 
Biomedical Engineering 
Computer Systems Biosciences, 
Environmental sciences and waste management

© International Journal of Information Science and Computing. | Published by IST Foundation, India 63310472 - Visitors since June 1, 2015